Anima Animae Animam

Anima, the latin word for soul, refers to movement. Does this mean that objects are without soul? Anima Animae Animam pulls us into the world of puppets. It is a tribute to the people who dedicated their lives to sharing their souls with beings that never had them. It’s for the people who gave their voices to objects that had so much to say; old forgotten stories. It is a tribute to the puppeteers who, due to their profession, were not allowed to be buried in cemeteries because they were considered soulless.
Cortometraje de Zero en Conducta: Es un homenaje a las personas que dedicaron su vida a compartir su almacén seres que nunca la tuvieron. A quienes regalaron voz y vida a objetos que tenían mucho que decir. A contar historias recuperadas del olvido. A los titiriter@s que por su profesión no podían ser enterrad@s en cementerios pues eran considerad@s seres sin alma.
Short Film by Zero en Conducta: It is a tribute to the persons who dedicated their lives to sharing their soul with beings who never had it.To the people who gave their voices to objects that had so much to say. To tell old forgotten stories. To the puppeteers, who due to their profession, were not allowed to be buried in cemeteries, as they were considered soulless.
Court-métrage de Zero en Conducta: C’est un hommage aux personnes qui ont consacré leur vie à partager leur âme avec ceux qui n´en ont jamais eu. Tous ceux qui ont donné voix à des objets qui avaient tant à dire et qui nous racontent des histoires récupérées de l’oubli. Aux marionnettistes qui ne pouvaient pas être enterrés dans des cimetières, puisque considérés des êtres sans âme.
country |
Spain |
runtime |
29:55 |
Directors |
Julieta Gasroc, |
Production Company |
Zero en conducta Produccions S.L. |
Cast |
Elena Lalucat, |
Script |
Julieta Gasroc, |
Production |
Julieta Gascón Roque, |
Cinematography |
Marc Costa |
Art |
Amok Cor, |
Editing |
Marc Costa |
Sound |
Alba Vega, |
Music |
Jean Du Voyage, |